Yaḥyā al-Anṭākī, Cronache dell’Egitto fāṭimide e del­l’im­­pe­ro bizantino, introduzione, traduzione dall'arabo e note a cura di Bartolomeo Pirone, prefazione di Samir Khalil Samir, 3a edizione ulteriormente riveduta e corretta (Bologna 2023), 404p., isbn 9781535396271



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In a chronicle of epic sweep, Yaḥyā of Antioch, an Arab Christian historian, vi­vidly describes nearly a century of interlocking Byzantine and Muslim histories. Yaḥyā chronicles lust for power, palace intrigues, the birth and death of dynasties, and natural disasters in a world dominated by Islam. He even takes the reader beyond the borders of the Byzantine empire and into the emerging powers of Bulgaria, Khazaristan, and Russia.

Category: PCAC Series (EN)