Storia di Rawḥ al-Qurašī. Un discendente di Maometto che scelse di divenire cristiano, introduzione, traduzione, note ed indici a cura di Emanuela Braida e Chiara Pelissetti, Bologna, Edizioni del Gruppo di Ricerca Arabo-Cristiana, Bologna reprint 2023 (ed. orig. 2001)

isbn 9791280091123


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A short Arab Christian anonymous manuscript prompts an historical “detective story” that could have been written in the “Thousand and One Nights”.  The ensuing study takes as its point of departure the hagiographic text of the “Passion of Rawḥ al-Qurashi”. The author attempts to demonstrate the historical existence of the martyr, a grandson of Caliph Harūn al-Rashīd. This young Muslim aristocrat deeply moved by the miracles attributed to Saint Theodore aban-doned the comforts of the world and undertook a long spiritual and geographical journey that led him to martyrdom for his faith in Christ. 


Category: PCAC Series (EN)